Viabizzuno Srl

Brand: Viabizzuno


Address: Via Romagnoli 10, 40010, Bentivoglio, Italy


Viabizzuno is a company that for over 23 years has made design its reason for living; designing is a way of being, of thinking and acting dedicated to 360 degrees to every action and thought of life. to design is the construction of oneself, to plan is to go towards improvement. for Viabizzuno, designing should not be understood as a simple professional activity, but rather as a way of relating to one's life and to one's neighbor. to plan is to build something that remains, that lives beyond fashions. the project is a promise, a suggestion of quality, of value and value, is the way to correct the disorder of the world.

Viabizzuno works, designs, produces, makes research and innovation, trains staff and creates for years its own design philosophy to become day after day as a reality not only industrial, but also ethical design.
the strength of Viabizzuno lies in working for a bespoke design, finding solutions that did not exist before, integrating light with architecture and thus creating a recognizable image all over the world for its formal integrity and thought at the same time. Viabizzuno becomes a philosophy of life, a thought to follow for architects and designers all over the world, an image in which to identify, a style.

Viabizzuno designs light: lighting fixtures, objects, lamps, lighting projects; but also designs books, furnishing accessories, clothing, graphic, editorial, culinary, photographic projects ... designs life around light starting from observation.

the observation above all. observing is understanding, absorbing knowledge and experience to store and make one's own: in Viabizzuno a process of continuous growth is triggered by intuitions and concatenated deductions.

listening is an important element of the designer's life. it is the humility of the designer to get in touch with things, places, people. we must learn to collect what space gives us: sounds, colors, traces, images, words, needs. without listening, the goal is missing. and the goal in Viabizzuno is the design of oneself.

For many years Viabizzuno has put itself at the service of the biggest international fashion brands, institutions, museums, industries, design studios and public bodies, demonstrating how light should merge with architecture, with space, with the man who live, be available to them. you can not design for light points, but you must design the right light.
the future is in the search for the right light, regardless of the light source. the future is to make culture of light and Viabizzuno becomes a pioneer of this culture.

"we want to bring our work and our thinking, our ideals and our craftsmanship, our innovation and our poetry into the world, always faithful to a consistent and quality made in Italy.
Made in Italy are not words like many others, a sentence made. Made in Italy is our nation, is the Italian genius made of talent, ability to dream, but also to adapt with will and imagination. made in Italy is a word that must represent us without turning into a moment of closure and self-referentiality. we must believe in Made in Italy by building good Italian products, to the point of putting our face in representing it. it can not just be a label: it is our mark, our DNA that makes us proud to be Italian.