Poliform S.p.A.

Brand: Poliform


Address: via Montesanto 28, 22044, Inverigo (CO) Italy


Poliform is today one of the most significant industrial companies in the international furnishing sector. Protagonist of a successful business venture, the company has made the continuous search for quality its mission, renewing its proposals to better interpret life styles and the most contemporary trends.

The Poliform collection is organized as a wide and diversified choice and includes systems and furnishing accessories for every area of ​​the home: bookcases, containers, wardrobes, beds, kitchens and upholstered furniture.
A typologically complete production that brings with it the design concept of a "Poliform house", stylistically consistent in all its components.
A "global project" that declines in every architectural situation thanks to the exceptional versatility of modular systems.
Poliform also devotes its creative and productive resources to the parallel and complementary activity of major international supplies. Important achievements of the highest standard can be counted, such as the West End Quay complex in London, the AOL Time Warner Center in New York, the presidential rooms of the Clinton Library in Little Rock or the Palmolive Building in Chicago.